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Birth Stories

Mel, Beth & Baby

I ended up having to have a C-section as I developed pre-eclampsia in the last few days of pregnancy at 39 weeks pregnant. Even though it’s not how I thought things would end up, I still try to take the positives and as far as they go, it was very straight forward with a great […]

Hayley, Andrew & Baby

By Monday 11th September I was overdue by 10 days and was feeling really fed up but determined not to have an induction. My induction had been booked for 8th September but thankfully was postponed anyway as they had a backlog of people waiting for inductions. I had an appointment at the women’s unit on […]

Liz, Oliver & Baby

Luna arrived safely on 24th April weighing 7lb 11.  I was so glad she came when she was ready (41+1) so I didn’t need to think about any kind of induction, even stretch and sweep. The birth was quite far removed from what we had planned, but it was still a really positive experience, mainly […]

Lisa, James & Baby

On Saturday at 17:34pm our daughter Beatrix was born in our birthing pool next to the fire, all as planned. We could simply could not have done it without you. It was a positive birth, where my labour lasted 24 hours almost exactly. However in that time I slept (well snoozing and managing surges), I […]

Lucy, Mike & Baby

My first labour was a water birth with my daughter. I was told how ‘good’ it was but personally I felt shocked with how painful it was and how out of control and scared I felt throughout it. So, I wanted to go into my second labour feeling in control and being equipped with some […]

Lisa, Ed & Baby

After a long, tiring 3 day birth with my first son, I knew this time around I needed to be more prepared. I decided to do a hypnobirthing course – I learned so much about my body and what to look out for during the stages of labour and the breathing techniques and positive affirmations […]